Land, Sea, Sky, Infinity

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‘Land, Sea, Sky Infinity’ is the title to a collection of three pieces created for my dissertation. Each one focuses on a different aspect of Suffolk’s landscape, exploring our emotional relationship with the land we live in through ideas such as the decolonisation of time, the impact of folk art and the dichotomy of landscapes impact on us versus our own impact on our landscape. Each piece is entirely composed of field recordings, interviews and a couple of folk songs, as well as the poem ‘The Skylark’ by John Clare in the final piece, ‘Sky’.

Artwork is ‘The Fool and the Birds’ by Jenny Ulrich


Mud, engines churning and the decomposition of all we know, as we sit with the ghosts around us.



Salt scarred memories tainted with the stench of river and constant movement, a lifetime of staying afloat.



Skylarks soar o’er our heads, each song an individual sonata, too fast for us to ever comprehend.